Comprehensive advisory

We provide impartial, expert advice to large and mid-sized corporations, private equity, families and entrepreneurs. We design and execute strategic financing solutions for our clients and act as a trusted partner, taking a long-term and independent view on the challenges they face.

Our deep understanding of financial markets, the high volume of transactions we advise on, and our unrivalled network of industry and financing specialists, provide clients with a comprehensive perspective to achieve their strategic goals.

Our distinct perspective allows us to achieve outstanding results for our clients and act as their most trusted advisers over the long term across segments such as:


  • Personal Trust
  • Corporate Trust


A trust can be established for intergenerational planning

The Fundamentals of Trust

The ownership is separated for the benefit of another.

The Person/Entity who sets up the Trust (‘The Settlor’) transfer Property/Assets to Second Person (‘The Trustee’) for the benefits of a third person (The Beneficiary) in accordance with the terms of the ‘Trust Deed’ approved by ‘The Settlor’.

The Trust concept of separating the assets for the benefit of the another is the key feature to financial planning.

MY Premier has 12 years of legacy and experience providing innovative solutions and strategies to circumvent challenges for our clients.

Hence the importance of selecting reputable and professional Trustee of financial standing and history of continuity for perpetuity.

Protection and Safeguarding Wealth

MY Premier is well organized in ensuring that all private trust accounts, clients assets and funds are distinctive from MY Premier operations which translates to clients trust well protected and insulated from MY Premier activities

MY Premier continuously innovates for its clients providing creativity, in-depth solutions with the ability to view and evaluate from  different perspectives and forging all these values in unique structures for its clients.

MY Premier produces structures which enables clients to plan, control, transfer and invest the assets into innovative and flexible financial platforms.

Throughout generations private trusts have been used to structure family assets in a secure and efficient manner

Managing Financial Assets and Wealth

An innovative management solutions, designed around the unique needs of every client

MY Premier Management division offers the independent long-term perspective in unique asset management solutions, designed around the needs of each and every client.

Our fields of expertise encompasses “Open Architecture” and “Risk-Based” solutions.

The Open Architecture Solution

We take an open architecture approach because it allows us to manage the assets and wealth of our clients which loosely matches their needs and desires. This gives us the freedom to focus purely on what our clients want.

We offer innovative, bespoke solutions, customized portfolio management services and structured administered solutions.

Risk–Based Solution

We offer unconstrained solutions fostering the goal of consistency and risk control.

Our approach uses risk contribution as a calculated factor  allowing us to deliver client focused solutions with capabilities across all asset classes.

This creates an environment which preserves confidence in maintenance and diversification of assets in accordance to the client activities, well insulated from adversities.

Preservation and Continuity of Wealth

My Premier since its inception to the trust industry was founded on strong principles of business and a clear vision for the future.

We are distinct in the we conduct business with our clients, principled with integrity and empathy which solidifies our fundamental foundations as a trust corporation.

Preservation and continuity or wealth throughout intergeneration is rooted from a long term perspective of protecting, structuring and safeguarding assets.

We treat our clients' challenges with their wealth with the same care and responsibility that we apply to our own business and money.

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